Sunday 30 August 2015

Garlic Confit Workshop

How did I not know about confit before? 

This stuff is pretty close to actual magic, I'm pretty sure! It was so easy to make, and we honestly spent most of the time sipping wine and chatting! 

The hardest part was getting the oil not to boil. It turns out my burners are just set so high that even on the lowest setting we weren't able to stop the mixture from boiling, so we ended up putting in in the oven on a very low setting, which worked perfectly. 

We used sage, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper to season the batch, and it turned out beautifully. One point I would share is that you need way more of the spices than you might think. 

The finished product turned out a lot like roasted garlic, in flavour, although nuttier. I'm also very pleased to have ended up with a mason jar full of the extra garlic-infused olive oil, which will be making many appearances in salad dressings and bread dips in the future! 

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